A positive, can-do approach

Stokes Case Management offers a highly personalised, creative and ‘can-do’ approach to case management for disabled and vulnerable individuals in the UK. We make you our mission, each and every time.

We value your independence and your emotional wellbeing as your physical rehabilitation. We work hard to support your legal team from day one to ensure wellbeing plans are implemented and engaged with from the start.

Our clients and instructing legal professionals have seen the value and benefit of early collaboration with Stokes – where our case managers are instructed from the beginning of a case so they can create positive, personalised case management plans.

Our clinically experienced, highly creative, problem-solving case managers will be your constant, steering you towards a more positive tomorrow, however complex, challenging or diverse your needs are.

Our wide-ranging clinical backgrounds, our experience and diversity of choice at Stokes makes us a powerful option for clients with complex needs. We continue to expand our knowledge base and attract individuals who can offer something different!

Read more about our case management approach, services and people here.

We are regulated by both the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) and Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Our story

Stokes Case Management was established in 2015 by our Managing Director, Rhiannon Stokes in response to the growing need for a new wave of Case Management and rehabilitation services for individuals and professionals in Wales and the UK. We are now a multi-award winning case management company, having been named as leaders in our field by legal professionals and our peers at national claimant legal awards. We are delighted to offer case managers and support workers in every part of the UK, having recently appointed case managers in both Scotland and Ireland (as well as attracting clients in these areas).

How we work

We're often turned to for the most complex of cases - we embrace what is often a challenge for many. It's essential for the client to feel comfortable and empowered by the case management support they receive as, after often incredibly traumatic events and when processing a litigation case, a Stokes case manager can make the difference between seeing a positive future or being weighed down with the gravity of their situation. This includes being involved from the start of the case, no matter what. We always find a way, thanks to our creative and resourceful professionals. Both clients and solicitors love working with us because of our 'OK' attitude as well as our quick-thinking and ability to partner the right case manager with the client, based on their needs, their personality, culture. We also work closely with their loved ones to produce the most meaningful plans for long-term benefit. We are firm advocates for being involved from the very start of a legal instruction, to help assess and reassure the injured individual as well as maximise the benefits of a personalised case management plan. The better and longer we know our clients, the more successful the outcomes - whatever the objective. Stokes' can-do attitude and positive creative thinking is a breath of fresh air for many litigators who need a safe pair of hands in the demanding stages of a legal matter.

Who we work with

It is our mission to cater, not only for the specific case management and rehabilitation needs of disabled and vulnerable individuals but also the increasingly complex support services that are necessary to support them. We are incredibly proud to work with the UK's leading claimant legal practices, both national and regional and to have built an enviable list of referral networks to our case managers so we can support brain and spinal injured adults and children, and others with serious and complex needs as a result of personal injury and clinical negligence. We have grown organically, attracting leading professionals from across Wales and the UK, to ensure strength and depth of experience, specialist knowledge and regional coverage. We have a close-knit family of health and social care clinicians who pride themselves on the relationships they have with their clients and partners, as well as with other professionals from private, statutory and legal services.

"Their ability to manage the care team and get the best results for our clients is second to none. We find them very professional throughout their involvement with our clients and they are a pleasure to collaborate with in what is often a very demanding environment."

– NewLaw Solicitors.


Our core principles

Each member of our team abides by our core principles, to:

  • Uphold our integrity and duty to clients – ensuring respect at all levels, protecting their autonomy and practicing within the law;
  • Deliver highly professional and ethical advice and services to clients and their professional teams;
  • Ensure we, as professionals, are at the cutting edge of service innovations, skills and knowledge to enhance the client experience and meet the changing, challenging needs of vulnerable, disabled and older adults in today’s society;

We work in accordance with the Case Management Society UK (CMSUK) and the British Association of Brain Injury Case Managers (BABICM) guidelines.

Our people adhere to the codes of conduct and regulations set out by the relevant governing bodies. These include:

  • College of Occupational Therapists
  • Health Professions Council
  • Physiotherapy
  • Social work
  • Royal College of Nursing
  • British Association of Social Workers
  • Care Quality Commission